Test Plans

Joint test plan

Step descriptionInputDesired Output
User looks at the situation card in playNo inputAll users can see the progress towards each solution and how much time until game over.
User solves a situationPlaying the game- Button clicksAll users can see that the situation has changed, and that a new situation has been placed down.

Isaac's test plan

Step descriptionInputDesired Output
User clicks “Connect to lobby” buttonButton clickUser successfully connects to a lobby and can select a position.
User clicks “Make lobby” buttonButton clickUser opens a lobby for other users to join. Can start game after 3 players have joined and selected politburo position
User clicks “start game” button with only 1 player in the game.Button clickUser receives message saying “You must have at least 3 players to play Politburo.”
User clicks “start game” button with 3 users in the gameButton clickUser begins the game
User clicks “start game” button when at least 1 other user has not selected a positionButton clickUser receives message saying “Not all players have selected a position. Please be patient.”
User clicks on an open position in the politburoButton clickUser successfully selects that position.
User clicks on a closed position in the politburoButton clickUser does not select that position.
User types a message into a chat boxKeystrokes, button clickUser on the receiving end receives the sender’s input.

Rowan's test plan

Step descriptionInputDesired Output
User hovers over [card] handMouse movesMakes the hand more prominent on the screen so that the user can see it.
User clicks on a cardButton clickThe card is magnified so that user can clearly see influence cost, effects, and the card art.
User clicks on a card to play itButton clickUser plays a card on the table and can see other player’s played cards
User clicks on a card that another player placed down during the ‘debate phase’Button clickTwo choices (“Support” and “Challenge”) pop up under the card.
User clicks on either “Support” or “Challenge”Button clickA counter pops up which allows you to spend influence to challenge the card.
User looks at their info card on the bottom rightNo inputUser can see how much influence they have and how much influence they gain each turn. User can see how much public opinion they have. User can see their position and its effects.
User clicks “single player”Button clickUser can select a position and start playing
User plays a game of politburo with AI Playing the gameAI is at least semi-competent and wins at least 1 of the games.
User meets win conditionPlaying the gameUser is shown a screen saying that they won the game and gives them the option to return to multiplayer or to close the application.
User loses the gamePlaying the gameUser is shown a screen saying that they lost and gives them the option to return to multiplayer or to close the application.